Empires of the Mind

A motley assortment of anecdotes, thoughts, comments, observations, idle speculation, rantings, ravings, tirades, attempted wit & humour, pop culture references, expostulations, hypotheses, and whatever the hell else I feel like posting...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Starland Vocal Band?! They suck! (Part 2)

Well folks, I went and got another tattoo! For your viewing pleasure (or horror, perhaps ;-):

It means "courage" in Latin. Especially in a moral or ethical sense. The word is also commonly translated as "firmness", "valour", "strength" or "manfulness".
Obviously, the root/origin of the English word "fortitude"... :-)
I had it done on Tuesday at Planet Ink on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa. Great place - impeccably clean and very professional. Solid reputation - it came highly recommended by a friend/former co-worker. Didn't really hurt that much. Plus, the woman that did it was quite attractive and friendly, so I didn't mind! ;-) Thanks Tiffany!
Balances well with my previous tattoo, I think. That's why I came up with it, of course!
As always, I would welcome & appreciate any comments, questions, observations, etc. :-)


  • At 6:25 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I got the one on my arm at Planet Ink too...;o)(And as soon as I get it fixed and brought across my chest and somewhat down my arm, I will finally be happy with it...lol!)

    Yours is tres bell!

  • At 9:39 p.m. , Blogger Blake said...

    Thanks! I'd like to get more at some point, whenever I can afford them!

    A couple more Latin words, I think - on my list are LIBERTAS (freedom), VERITAS (truth) and SPES (hope). Also would like to get my Scottish clan crest and a maple leaf design somewhere...

  • At 12:33 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good words.


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